Filter Overview All Products x Applications All Outdoor 239 Marine 88 Tactical 79 Hydration Solutions Tactical 10 Nutrition Solutions Tactical 8 Cooking Solutions Tactical 1 Private Use Tactical 26 Emergency Preparedness & Relief 171 Humanitarian Aid 101 Commercial 50 Solutions Water 50 Nutrition 8 Cooking 21 Brands Katadyn 42 Micropur 4 Steripen 2 Optimus 21 Trek'n Eat 8 Spectra Watermakers 2 Effective against Bacteria 5 Bad taste 2 Chemicals 1 Cysts 5 Protozoa 5 Sediments 6 Water Source Clear Water 18 Muddy water 7 Salt Water 4 Tap Water 10 Group Size 1 12 2-5 16 > 10 5 Usage daily 7 often 16 rarely 5 Operation manually 1 powered 3 Industrial Water Treatment Category Desalination 1 Series Vegan 2 Meat 3 Vegetarian 3 Allergens Gluten Free 1 Lactose Free 2 Packaging Bar 3 Kit 5 Fuel Jet fuel 3 Diesel 3 Gas 2 Jet fuel 3 petroleum 3 white Gas 4 Find Spare Part Tactical Sustaining life no matter where. Reliability is the most important ally of the military in difficult or even life-threatening situations. That is why armies and especially special units around the world rely on the reliable products of the Katadyn Group. Katadyn is the competent partner for self-sufficient drinking water treatment for surface, brackish and seawater. The product range is supplemented by lightweight, small stove systems as well as food packages optimized for troops. Projects & Case studies Katadyn Hiker Army green This filter is only available for governmental customers. The convenient and effective microfilter. Availability: On request and subject to minimum order quant... discover Katadyn Hiker Army black This filter is only available for governmental customers. The convenient and effective microfilter. Availability: On request and subject to minimum order quantities... discover Day Ration Pack - Typ 1 The “Day Ration Pack” is a customized meal pack for military troops. It ensures that soldiers have enough to eat even if they cannot be supplied with food through the field kitchen or t... € 39.00 discover Day Ration Pack - Typ 2 The “Day Ration Pack” is a customized meal pack for military troops. It ensures that soldiers have enough to eat even if they cannot be supplied with food through the field kitchen or t... € 39.00 discover Day Ration Pack - Typ 3 The “Day Ration Pack” is a customized meal pack for military troops. It ensures that soldiers have enough to eat even if they cannot be supplied with food through the field kitchen or t... € 39.00 discover Day Ration Pack - Typ 4 - vegetarian The “Day Ration Pack” is a customized meal pack for military troops. It ensures that soldiers have enough to eat even if they cannot be supplied with food through the field kitchen or t... € 39.00 discover Day Ration Pack - Typ 5 - vegetarian The “Day Ration Pack” is a customized meal pack for military troops. It ensures that soldiers have enough to eat even if they cannot be supplied with food through the field kitchen or t... € 39.00 discover NRG-5® Emergency Food Ration € 10.00 discover NRG-5® ZERO Emergency Food Ration € 12.00 discover NRG-M 250g € 8.00 discover Optimus Polaris Optifuel - Black Edition € 250.00 discover New Optimus Nova 125Y - Limited Edition The legendary multifuel expedition stove - anniversary limited edition discover 3 4 5 6 7